नरक चतुर्दशी
भौमासुर या नरकासुर नामक एक शक्तिशाली दानव ने पहले प्रज्ञाज्योतिषपुर नामक एक स्थान पर शासन किया था। उसने देवताओं और लोगों को परेशान करना शुरू कर दिया। नरकासुर ने युद्ध में अनेक राज्यों को जीतने के बाद राज्य की सोलह हज़ार युवा राजकुमारियों को उनसे शादी करने की नियत से जेल में बंद कर दिया | उसने हर जगह अराजकता का माहौल पैदा कर दिया, जब भगवन श्रीकृष्ण ने इस बारे में सुना, तब उन्होंने राक्षस पर हमला किया, उसे मार डाला और राजकुमारियों को मुक्त कर दिया। इस दिन को नरक चतुर्दशी के रूप में जाना जाता है |
Abhyang Snan has been suggested on three days i.e. on Chaturdashi, Amavasya and Pratipada days during Diwali.
दीवली के दौरान चतुर्दशी, अमावस्या और प्रतिपदा दिवसों पर अभ्यंग स्नान का सुझाव दिया गया है।
Abhyang Snan Muhurta = 05:50 to 07:16
Duration = 1 Hour 26 Mins
Chaturdashi Tithi Begins = 13:38 on 17/Oct/2017
Chaturdashi Tithi Ends = 13:43 on 18/Oct/2017
अभ्यंग स्नान क्यों करें :
Naraka Chaturdashi (also known as Kali Chaudas, Roop Chaudas, Choti Diwali or Naraka Nivaran Chaturdashi) is also known as chhoti Diwali , which is the 2nd day of 5 days long Diwali festival, which falls on Chaturdashi (14th day) of the Krishna Paksha in the Vikram Samvat Hindu calendar month of Ashwin. On this day, lighting lamps can destroy tamasik energies. The day before Chaudas, fourteenth day of the fortnight, after 12 a.m. the atmosphere starts getting polluted with raja-tama frequencies, because on this day the Universe moves from the Chandra-nadi (or the moon channel), into the Surya-nadi (or the Sun channel). This helps the tamasik energies in ‘Pataal’. The sound waves generated from ‘Pataal’ are created by heat generated from movement of particles loaded with raja-tama components. To neutralize the effect of these waves, one has to bathe early in the morning, light ghee lamps in earthen pots and ritualistically worship them.
आज के दिन क्या करें (Activity done on this days are ):
- Mothers do arati of her son and husband on Narak Chaturdashi
- Offering meal to brahman,
- Offering cloth to needy
- Lamps are offered to Deity Yama
- Pradoshpuja
Pradoshkal means 72 minutes after sunset. To avoid going to Hell and for getting cleansed from sins, a lamp with four wicks should be lit in the ritualistic worship performed in pradoshkal and the following shloka should be recited:
दत्तो दीपश्चतुर्दश्यां नरकप्रीतये मया ।
चतुर्वर्तिसमायुक्त: सर्वपापापनुत्तये ।। – लिंगपुराण - Offering meal to brahman
- Shiv Puja
पूजा पद्धति सपूर्ण भारत:
The puja is performed with oil, flowers, and sandalwood. Coconuts are also offered to Hanuman and Prasad of sesame seed, jaggery and rice flakes (poha) with ghee and sugar.
The rituals of Kali Choudas is strongly suggestive of the origin of Diwali as a harvest festival is performed. On this day delicacies are prepared from pounded semi-cooked rice (called Poha or Pova). This rice is taken from the fresh harvest available at that time. This custom is prevalent both in rural and urban areas especially in Western India.
Krishna decapitates the demon Narakasura with his discusOn this day, a head wash and application of kajal in the eyes is believed to keep away the kali nazar (evil eye). Some say that those who are into tantra, learn their ‘mantras’ on this day. Alternatively, people offer Nivet is local to where they are originally from. This goddess is called their Kul Devi, in order to cast off evil spirits. Some families also offer food to their forefathers on this day. The second day of Diwali is known as Kali Choudas in Rajasthan & few part of Maharashtra.
On this day Hindus get up earlier than usual. The men will rub their bodies in perfumed oils before bathing. Afterwards, clean clothes are worn; some people wear new ones. A large breakfast is enjoyed with relatives and friends. In the evening, a mix of bright and loud fireworks are set off in an atmosphere of joyful fun and noise. Special sweet dishes are served as part of the midday meal. House are lit with oil lamps during the evening.
In Goa, paper-made effigies of Narakasura, filled with grass and firecrackers symbolising evil, are made. These effigies are burnt at around four o’clock in the morning and then firecrackers are burst, and people return home to take a scented oil bath. Lamps are lit in a line. The women of the house perform aarti of the men, gifts are exchanged, a bitter berry called kareet is crushed under the feet in token of killing Narakasura, symbolising evil and removal of ignorance. Different varieties of Poha and sweets are made and eaten with family and friends.
In Southern IndiaIn Tamil Nadu, Goa, and parts of Karnataka, Deepavali is traditionally celebrated on Naraka Chaturdasi day while the rest of India celebrates it on the no moon night (Amavasya), which is the next day. People get up earlier and celebrate with oil baths, pooja, and festivals. Firecrackers are usually lit on Deepavali . Some Tamil homes observe “nombu” and do Lakshmi Puja on this day. In Karnataka the festival of Deepawali starts from this day i.e Naraka Chaturdashi and extends till Bali Padyami.
Source :Oct tithi. wikipedia.org, hindujagruti.org