#Diwali: Amazon Brand – Solimo Wax Tealight Candles (Set of 100, Unscented)
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Gowardhan Puja Muhurat 2018: Govardhan Puja Pratahkal Muhurat = 06:45 to 09:00 Govardhan Puja Sayankal Muhurat = 15:43 to 17:58 गोवर्धन-पूजा मंत्र: लक्ष्मीर्या लोकपालानां धेनुरूपेण संस्थिता। घृतं वहति यज्ञार्थ मम पापं व्यपोहतु।। Most of the time Govardhan Puja day falls next day after Diwali Puja and it is celebrated as the Read more…
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