Want to buy a House?here is how to check RERA compliant project Online
Maharashtra has already started website to check RERA compliant homes , now home buyers,can get all material information about the real estate project anywhere at any time.
Below are important point and steps:
All RERA compliant project will have its specific ‘registration number
Project can be searched by selecting promoters or Real state agents details.
for E.g. for Maharashtra refer this link for online info: https://maharera.mahaonline.gov.in/Home/Index
on home page go to tab “Registration” under that go to “Registered Project”
New page will open under that select Division (e.g. Konkan),District (e.g.Mumbai), Project name
Once you select project name a unique Project code will appear and all details for the project can be viewed and downloaded from there
Important details like, Promoters Name, Agent details, Professionals involved in project, Project completion status, Project completion date, Past record of Developer/Promoter, Legal Title for the porject, Litigation on project and supporting documents
It also provide what are the flat areas being developed in Sq. mtr. with number of units.
We believe that it will bring more transparency and confidence to home buyers while entering into agreement for Sales and it also provide clear picture about the project to facilitate decision making
Refer our video for live demo of checking RERA project information online.