Action Profiles and Actions / Action Conditions:The action profile and definitions contain the default information on what the action will accomplish when triggered. It contains information as to if the action should trigger immediately, on save, or during a selection report. The conditions section is where the triggers of the action are defined.
Steps to configure:
1) Action Profiles and Actions:
In SAP GUI: SPRO>CRM>Bsic Function> Actions > Change Actions and Conditions> Define Action Profiles and Actions
2) Action Conditions :
In SAP GUI: SPRO>CRM>Bsic Function> Actions > Change Actions and Conditions> Define Conditions
Business examples:
Many times we want to trigger email / create following documents/ any action as soon as any document is created in system, this can achieved by Action Profiles in SAP CRM.
Business Add-ins/Developments / Important SAP Notes:
Implement SAP Note 865619 to fix double trigger of email when saving service ticket.
Do write to us if you need any help from us!